
Saturday, December 06, 2003

What To Do, What To Do?

I'm still musing about whether to maintain this site or not. Now that I have the other blogs for specific outlets, this one seems ever more redundant. NTodd's Notes, along with the other ancillary blogs, have been removed from the Ecosystem so there's really no reason to put my blogaround or TTLB links here anymore. Thus, what's the point? Is it worth maintaining a place for meta-blogging discussions? Dunno.

Eh, doesn't hurt to keep it around for a while longer, at any rate.


Monday, December 01, 2003

Kynn Resigns From LoL

Perhaps way more thot than need be given to the subject, but Kynn has a nice post about his reasons for resigning from the League. Not sure if that gives me more or less impetus to rebel myself. Let's see what my co-conspirators think...


Deleting Blogs From The Ecosystem

I've submitted a request to NZBear to delete all 4 of my ancillary blogs from the Ecosystem.

I decided that even my modest linking was skewing the Ecosystem ranking results, at least as far as my blogs were concerned. It's a bummer because I liked having the extra blogs listed to provide more visibility/hooks into DM, but after all the talk about gaming the system, I felt like the minor utility to me didn't outweigh the potential to further erode confidence in the rankings.

There's got to be a better way, damn it. Sigh...


Sunday, November 30, 2003

More Meta Musings

So I've been wondering if maybe I should start my own blogger alliance that competes with the League and the other groups. But probably I'm too lazy.


Saturday, November 29, 2003

My Favorite Mole

I hate to admit it, but I'm loving our little mole, The Commissar. Here's his great post that blew the cover on some nefarious League tactics:

Memo to: League of Liberals (LOL) Central Committee
From: The Commissar

Re: Ecosystem Rankings

The Politburo authorizes me to extend its congratulations to the LOL on its highly successful advancement of Party members within the TTLB Ecosystem, maintained by the "Dumber Than the Average Bear" NZ Bear.

With your commendable and Revolutionary use of two tactics, you have propelled many LOL members to high ranking in the Ecosystem rankings, even while the Ecosystem is maintained by that reactionary wingnut, NZ Bear.

Go read the whole thing, if only for the entertainment value of his writing and not the actual controversy.


Still Rethinking The Notes Page

What is the purpose of this page? It doesn't have a clear role, in contrast to my Haiku, Rummy Poetry, and Photos pages. It was originally intended for some offline notes about my main page, but I can't seem to get the permalinking to work properly here. Is it because there's not enough content here? Or is it the template? Dunno.

I find I'm just using it mostly to archive my blogaround posts. I guess it has the benefit of keeping the links "alive" longer than on DM, but that seems to be hardly worth the effort. And if by chance somebody does visit this site first, and sees no compelling content, they'll have no reason to click through to DM (which does happen with the other content-rich pages).

No harm in keeping this around for now, but I might delete the site meter code (although that simply freezes the traffic count on TTLB), or maybe delete the site altogether. Or maybe I'll just clean it up a bit and use it differently. Or maybe I'll travel to the moon and mine "genesis rock".



Silly, silly mess over at TTLB re: traffic rankings. I'm not entirely convinced by Barry's response at Savage Cruel Bigots.

I'll not air this stuff any more on my main blog page. Anywayz, hopefully this will all blow over soon. Geesh.



Here are a few places to go today while you anxiously await my throwing off the shackles of lameness:

* BBWW discusses the brewing culture war, brought to you by Pat Puke-anan. I think some of this is about Mustang Bobby's quest for a toaster.

* The Modulator points us to some photos of NYC and San Fran. An interesting look at the mundane.

* The Mahablog shares some thoughts on Bush's heroism. Sigh, Bush is so super and heroic. Not.

* The Poison Kitchen tells the story of Canadian Thanksgiving, which apparently has nothing to do with ours. When are we just going to invade and stop the godless commies from subverting all that is sacred?

* The Politburo Diktat ignores one of the most influential blogs in the universe (mine) in creating a world map of the blogowhatever. The outrageous omission has been duly noted, and this insult will never be forgotten.

My own incredibly important blogging to commence sometime this century.


Wednesday, November 26, 2003

TTLB Votes

Just wanted to bring to your attention 2 new votes for the TTLB showcase (see the right nav). I've also started adding a date to them, for no real reason 'cept I wanted to have dates so I can more easily verify that my votes have been cast and counted.


Thanksgiving Eve Blogaround

Go here:

* Officially Unofficial wonders "Who are the Enemies of Freedom?"

* Shock and Awe gives us tips on how to ID Christian Moderates, with a little help from Daniel Pipe.

* OSP guest blogger Andrew Sabl tells us why he likes Clark.

* Bark Bark Woof Woof muses about PC PCs.

* Opinions You Should Have issues yet another wake-up call to the Dems.

* The Poison Kitchen is doing a frighteningly good job channeling the Teletubbies.

* Folkbum needs sympathy as a family member has met the Black Rabbit of Inle.


Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Late Blogaround

Read these:

* Lawrence of Cyberia answers Why Do They Hate Us?

* MercuryX23 says "WHA!!?!?!?" when confronted with the president's policy of pre-emptive [sic] self-defense.

* Body and Soul talks about The Honorable Arnold Schwarzenegger. BTW, he's not honorable.

* Blah3 is a bit skeptical about the Pentagon's 'new' story about the 101st soldiers who weren't (or were) mutilated by irate Iraqis.

* The Sesquipedalian brings us some Potentially Good News about the economy.

* Cup O' Joe poses the question "To Fight Or Not To Fight?" as a result of some e-mail exchanges we've had on a League of Liberals mailing list.

* Raed is angry with our soldiers, and wonders where Salam is.


Monday, November 24, 2003

Quick Blogaround

I'm still being lame and not linking to enough good posts, but let me quickly try to salve my guilt a bit with these suggestions:

* How to Save the World nails it with TERRORISM IS A REACTION, NOT AN ACTION. This will be going into my Collection of Solutions for Bloggers Parliament.

* In honor of Daschle's appearance yesterday on MTP, and his support of the bogus energy bill, I bring your attention to this post from Opinions That You Should Have on Saturday: Daschle To Filibuster Self. Someday we'll have real oppo leadership, but not while Tom's in charge.

* The Fulcrum tells us about Freedom of the Press - Baghdad Style.

* Notes on the Atrocities ranks the Democratic candidates and provides some interesting analysis.

* Pen-Elayne has some cat pics, er...some concerns about the new acting Iraqi ambassador to the US.

* Shock and Awe reads the email newsletter from the National Federation of Republican Assemblies so we don't have to.

* Pacific Views discusses our fading freedoms.


Rethinking The Notes

For whatever reason, the permalinks here seem permanently bloggered, so I don't know if I'm going to keep this annex running. If I do, it might be with a new template, or maybe I'll just use this site differently. Dunno.


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